Tuesday 3 April 2012

Can't Give Up Now!

In life things can get really rough. Life can take unexpected turns. You can get so frustrated because you NEVER seem to arrive. Sometimes it feels like every time you take one step forward, you take another ten steps backwards. You can look at your life and say to yourself "how did I get here???" Or, "where to now???" (Questions I've been asking myself a lot lately!). Jesus said in John 16:33 - In the world ye shall have tribulations: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

So a) the battle isn't ours , He said He has overcome the world. And b) the battle has already been won, He said He has overcome the world. So we've got to remember to be thankful for every new day. The mere fact that we're here to experience anything, good or bad, is reason enough to give thanks. Because we still have a fighting chance. Because we live to fight another day. Or better still, just remember He's already done all the fighting for us. So we just need to give Him thanks.

Sometimes I want to quit! Sometimes I just want to run and hide, then I have to remind myself of all that I have to be thankful for. I have to remember how far I've come in life. Yes, I've not arrived - but to be honest no one ever really does. And yes, there's always room for improvement and I can do better. But, things aren't as bad as the devil would have me believe. You know why? I'm still here. Still alive, still got breath in me. So I've got to, I've just got to keep going. I haven't come this far just to quit here and now. Success could be just around the next corner.

I love this song!

Thank You Jesus!



  1. Success is definitely around the corner.....

    From personal experience I can tell you that I am one of those people who constantly drive themselves to achieve more and more. The problem is that in so doing, I can ignore my achievements as I seek the next one.

    'Success' comes in many guises but we often fail to notice this. As much as we seek professional and financial success....something as taken-for-granted as 'good health' can actually be classified as success by others.


    1. I hear that N.I.L. It's surprising how much we actually do take for granted and how difficult it can be to take a moment and acknowledge what we've done. I think every once in a while it's necessary. xx

  2. Amen..stay encouraged and remember when you seek God's guidiance, you will be successful 2Chronicles 26:5

    1. Thank you Unveilinggold! I most certainly am feeling encouraged. God bless you. xx

  3. Just want to encourage you too. never give up. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you so much Myne! I won't give up! I'll be seeing you at the top.

      Thank you for your prayers. xxx

  4. I love this post, Buki you are not alone, never give up on yourself.love ya dearie

    1. Thank you Destiny. I'm stronger everyday!
      Love you too babes! xx

  5. Be strong sis! YOU ARE STRONG! Love ya. xxx

    1. Awww! Thanks my love. Yes I am! And so are you! xoxox

  6. That song is on point. We tend to take a lot of things for granted. I am learning to relax, take it all in and be thankful. You'll be fine *hugs*

  7. you have no idea how much this post has encouraged me today, been going through stuff, i actually slept feeling sad yesterday and still woke up sad this morning, and this song, i had forgotten about this song, it always ministers to me, know that you are not alone, God is for us, he always is... thanks Buki!

    1. I'm so very glad this post encouraged you. Like everyone's been reminding me, I remind you too - you're not alone. God is definitely for us.

      *Big hug*

  8. No matter how bad things are, it could be worse. So we always have reasons to thank God, if we look hard enough
