Thursday, 21 July 2011

Weight Loss - Lately

Hoorah! I've lost 3lbs!!! So happy - I know it's only 3lbs, but please amuse me. My friends and fellow group members were starting to be concerned. I had developed a nonchalant attitude to my weight loss over the past few weeks. It wasn't until I gained 4lbs in a very short space of time that my desire to lose it was re-awakened.

So I've gone back to the drawing board - having cereal for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a balanced dinner. I've noticed that weeks that I've stuck to this strictly, I've lost some weight.

Salads I've had this week:

Ok, so this one's not a salad at all. But hey. Lol.

My friends and I had a good giggle this evening about the way we've been behaving lately on our Weight Loss Challenge. Whilst Wednesday is our weigh in day, it's also our treat day. We're supposed to use this day as a reward day for working so hard to lose some pounds over the past week. However, we had begun to abuse this privilege. We would treat ourselves regardless of whether or not we lost any weight, even still treating ourselves when we gained weight. LOL! So we've all had a reality check, and hopefully (I've been the biggest culprit), we're all back on course.

So here's to my 3lbs lost and hopefully another 2lbs (let's not get too excited now - lol) next week.

Oh wow! 2 posts within 24 hours! Hehehe ;)



  1. Aww congratulation, sounds exciting from the start and treating yourself to something great is an inspiration but don't overdo it knowing your diet police would be watching you...Congrats for real, the meal plan sounds healthy too, great choice!

  2. Well done
    .....At least someone is losing weight *jealous sigh

  3. @Yankeenaijababe,
    Thank you o. I'll try not to over indulge on treat day. :D

    Thanks hun. x

    How una deh? Hope you're good.
    I hope I can continue in this vain o. Thanks.

  4. Those last 2 plates will do you more harm than good o, aint no salad at all. I think the best thing is to cut down carbohydrates to the minimum

  5. @@ilola,
    I know! As my mum would say "I'm only kidding myself". Lol. Will try to cut back on carbs. Time's when I've done that the weight has dropped off easily.
    Thank you. :)
